Books by the IHDS Team
India’s Social and Economic Transformation in the 21st Century
edited by Pallavi Chouduri, Sonalde Desai, and Amaresh Dubey. Published by Routlege (2023).
This book provides a comprehensive analysis of India's social and economic transformation in the decades leading up to the COVID-19 pandemic and explores both resilience and vulnerabilities in Indian society.
It provides an in-depth look into diverse aspects of how Indians live, earn a living and care for their children by examining vital indicators such as poverty, malnutrition, health and marriage and family relationships, among others. Analysing the data from the India Human Development Surveys, it presents a complex picture of India’s transformation and large economic and educational gains, while exploring the reasons why these have not translated into social transformation of a similar magnitude. The volume also describes the backdrop against which the COVID-19 pandemic crippled the Indian economy. In effect, it foreshadows the challenges that need to be addressed on the road to recovery. It argues that in order to reduce the scarring and ensure recovery for all, it will be important to focus on the underlying conditions faced by the most vulnerable sections of the Indian society as policymakers seek to effectively tend to issues of socio-economic inequality and marginalisation in the long run.
Rich in data and analysis, this book will be useful for scholars and researchers of economics, political economy, sociology and development studies.
Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
A Catalyst for Rural Transformation
Sonalde Desai, Prem Vashishtha and Omkar Joshi
Researchers from National Council of Applied Economic Research and University of Maryland have just released results from a study evaluating the performance of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act. This study uses data from India Human Development Survey (IHDS) of 2004-5 and 2011-12, a unique panel survey of 28,000 rural households. Click here to download report.
Click here for the Table of Contents
Undernutrition and Public Policy in India: Investing in the future
edited by Sonalde Desai, Lawrence Haddad, Deepta Chopra, and Amit Thorat. Published by Routlege (2016).
Human Development in India: Challenges for a Society in Transition
by Sonalde B. Desai, Amaresh Dubey, B.L. Joshi, Mitali Sen, Abesaleh Shariff, and Reeve D. Vanneman
Oxford University Press (2010). This book covers the main findings of IHDS I. Download individual chapters: