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Poverty IHDS calculated household poverty based on the monthly consumption per capita (copc, see Consumption) and the official Planning Commission poverty line as of 2005. poor is a dichotomous (0/1) variable indicating whether the household is below this poverty line or not. Users can calculate a poverty line ratio by dividing the monthly consumption per capita (copc) by the official poverty line (pcpl). The poverty line (pcpl) varies by state and urban/rural residence. It is based on 1970s calculations of income needed to support minimal calorie consumption and has been adjusted by price indexes since then.

Variable Nobs Unique Values Unwtd. Mean Min Max Label
pcpl 41554 41 422.23 292.95 665.9 Poverty line
poor 41491 2 0.2 0 1 HH19 12. HH below poverty line

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