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Rural-Urban Income Differences

IHDS 1: incomeru

Findings: Rural - Urban Income Differences Largest at the Bottom

  Rural Urban U/R Ratio
5th percentile 3,300 11,500 3.48
10th percentile 6,580 17,000 2.58
25th percentile 12,845 28,873 2.25
median 22,400 51,200 2.29
75th percentile 41,027 94,800 2.31
90th percentile 76,581 152,000 1.98
95th percentile 110,633 210,000 1.90
99th percentile 235,144 396,000 1.68
mean 36,755 75,266 2.05
# of Households 26,734 14,820  

Source: Reportchapter 2, Income